Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Krampus vs. Bigfoot (2021)

Apparently Bigfoot works on a space ship, his friends refer to him as Foot, he looks like a gorilla and his voice sounds like Fat Albert. He works with Van Helsing, who’s gotten crew member Karli pregnant. Van Helsing is a jerk and a martyr.  He leaves the ship because he says Karli would be better off without him.

Krampus is in another space ship with his minions. So you’d think this would be awesome but it’s super boring.  It’s a bunch of CGI with voice actors and generic background music. 

Ridiculous dialogue

All she cares about now is that baby I put inside her.

Generic Space

Everyone wears helmets inside the ship

I thought this was a gorilla till they called him Foot
and he mentioned he’s a Sasquatch


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