Monday, January 4, 2021

Amityville Toybox (2016)

 Aka the Amityville Legacy

Oh good god no. An unpleasant family gathers for their fathers fiftieth birthday party. One of the daughters gives him a toy monkey, which is unfortunately from the Amityville house. After he cuts his foot on the doll.... you heard me... the evil in the monkey possesses him and makes him kill his family.  The end.  Well the end is about an hour after that but you don’t really need to watch because it’s not all that interesting.

This a rough one to get through. It’s got a 2.2 on IMDB. The acting is at a local theater level and the sound must have been recorded on location based on the ambient noise that’s underlying the dialogue. One of the characters keeps trying to give the Dad alcohol even though he’s been sober for twenty years. Also there’s a weird scene where one of the daughters walks into dads room and he’s standing there naked with his back to the door. Instead of walking out, or closing the door, she stands there and looks down. Seriously woman, get out of the room if your dad is naked. Also it appears to be night outside but when she goes downstairs it’s daytime.

The beginning of the movie is a flashback to 1974 in the DeFeo house with a DeFeo walking in the hallway with a shotgun.  The problem with this is if you know the Amityville story, it’s pointless. And if you don’t know the story, this doesn’t explain anything because it’s too vague. 

This is a movie that slapped the name Amityville in the title to get people to watch it. Well they succeeded.  I knew it would be bad, just didn’t realize how bad.  The only reason to watch is if you have a goal of seeing every movie that uses Amityville in the title. Other than that, make a hard pass on this one.

Ridiculous dialogue:

It’s radioactive... with evil. 

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