Sunday, January 31, 2021

Death of a Vlogger (2019)


Graham is a vlogger who posts prank videos and tries to capitalize on the latest trends hoping to get more hits. When he has eye surgery, he ends up with bandages over both eyes and while live streaming his recovery, things move in his apartment and an apparition is seen.  

The video goes viral and other people become invested in it.  Graham and his friend Erin team up with ghost hunter Steve to do a seance in the apartment. When more activity is seen, people get excited that there is proof of the supernatural. Others appeal to Graham asking for help to contact their recently deceased loved ones.

It is the grief stricken commenters hoping to reunite with loved ones  that brings Alice into the story. She is a paranormal debunker and believes that Grahams footage is fake.  She warns meets with Graham and Steve and warns an internet shaming will be coming to him if he faked the video and it won’t be pretty.  

The difference between this and most found footage films is it’s  presented as a documentary.  Along with the found footage shot by Graham, there are interview segments with Erin, Alice, Steve and Grahams friends.  I almost didn’t watch this movie because I didn’t like the cover. Then when the movie starts it’s one guy with a camera and immediately you think it’s going to be another crappy movie. There were a few really creepy things that happened. But I was bugged that Graham usually didn’t turn on the lights when there were strange sounds in the apartment. Just turn on the freaking lights, man!  Overall, it was ok. It kept my attention but it didn’t leave me wanting to tell other people to see it.

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