Sunday, January 31, 2021

Curse of the Scarecrow (2018)

In the 1800s, townsfolk accused a man of stealing, and then tied him to a scarecrow post in a field where he was pecked to death by crows.  Every twenty years, he comes back to seek revenge and mistakes anyone he sees for one of his killers.

Carl and June’s parent were killed by the scarecrow twenty years ago. Carl goes to the farm to make the scarecrow pay, turns his back on a scarecrow and is immediately murdered. Good god man, why would you ever turn your back on a scarecrow when one murdered your parents?

After June gets the news of her brothers death, she heads out to the farm with her best friend. Along for the trip is her psychiatrist who seems to have crossed the line of professionalism and is far too friendly with her.  She helps her pack things in the house and does some shoddy hypnotism on her. The whole thing is odd.

June is uncomfortable with being on the farm since it’s where her  parents were murdered and her brother was recently found dead there. She doesn’t like the scarecrow on the property and there is that pesky legend about scarecrows killing people on the farm.  But her friend and her psychiatrist are not concerned. At least not until they try to cure June by unmasking the scarecrow on the post and find a dead girl.

At this point the characters make a plethora of terrible decisions. Over and over again, they do the worst thing they could possibly do in the situation at hand.When they find the dead girl, they stand there and scream until a scarecrow attacks them.  When they run to the car, they just sit there talking for awhile before driving off.

Instead of getting help, they drive back to the farm. Then they stand outside the back door looking into the dark to see if the scarecrow has caught up with them.  The psychiatrist volunteers to get help. When they say they’ll go with her, she says “stay here where you’re safe.”  Why would you ever think they’re safe? They’re on a farm with a scarecrow that kills people!

The scene with the psychiatrist going to the car is ridiculous. Instead of running to the car with key ready to unlock the door and jump in, she slowly sneaks along the wall and then sneaks over to a group of bushes.  This is the least safe option when trying to avoid a killer.  Then she slowly creeps along the edge of the car and fumbles with her keys.  But the car won’t start. Coincidence or does the scarecrow from the 1800s know how to disable an engine?  Then our incompetent psychiatrist falls out of the car and is unable to get up until the last second when she runs off into the woods. God forbid, she runs to the safety of the house.

With the psychiatrist in danger, the other two inexplicably feel bad for letting her run off on her own. Junes friend decides the best thing to do is go to the barn and grab a gun...the gun that is next to a scarecrow. Things work out about as well as you’d expect. Another person who turns their back on a scarecrow while knowing there is a murderous scarecrow in the vacinity. 

June ends up in the barn as well, where she puts on a flannel shirt, stuffs a little hay in it and holds out her arms, effectively disguising herself as a scarecrow. And when I say effectively, I mean not at all. She looks nothing like a scarecrow. Yet it somehow fools our killer scarecrow who starts trying to figure out what’s going on as he paws her.  June keeps saying, “I’m just like you.”  Really? In what way?  It’s absurd.  

So many questions left unanswered.

  1. Why did the crows attack the man on the scarecrow post? A scarecrow is literally put up to scare crows. 
  2. Why does everyone who believes there is a killer scarecrow turn their back on a scarecrow?
  3. How much is the psychiatrist charging June for this 24 hour a day, multi-day coverage?
  4. Even before they believed there was a killer scarecrow, there is a history of murders on the property every twenty years for a 48 hour period. Why would you ever go to the farm during that time period?
  5. How can June be there within the 48 hour scarecrow murder time when the scarecrow already killed her brother?
  6. Why do they think a gun will be an effective weapon against a dead scarecrow?
  7. Why is there a scarecrow in the yard near the house where there is no crops?
  8. When June goes to look at the scarecrow, she goes into the corn field. Are there two scarecrows? The other one wasn’t in a corn field.
  9. How does June think she is just like the scarecrow?  She wasn’t murdered, pecked to death by crows, or have a burlap sack over her head.

The worst scarecrow ever. He’s standing on a box. He’s not in a field.
He’s only a foot off the ground and appears to be facing a fence.

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