Saturday, July 3, 2021

Tail Sting (2001)

A flight from Australia to the US contains a biohazard crate with genetic experiments. Sounds perfectly safe. Nothing could possibly go wrong... unless one of the scientists planned to betray his colleagues by selling their discovery to the highest bidder. Damn. 

Scott hires people to hijack the specimens on their way to the plane, but security prevents the loss which leaves Scott with the task of stealing them. He goes into the cargo hold in the middle of the flight and moves the specimens into an empty coffin sitting nearby.  

Scott isn't much of a thinker.  The scorpions are suspended in liquid in a cylindrical container. Scott never considers there is nothing to ensure they stay upright and safe in the empty coffin.  He also doesn't notice that the coffin is balanced on some smaller boxes which are not stable at all.

And voila, we have scorpions on a plane. But not just any scorpions. These were crossed with Paleolithic  scorpion DNA. In no time at all, the scorpions have grown to six feet long. Oddly enough, this doesn't hinder their movements through the plane. They are able to get into the bathroom and cockpit without being seen. 

Thankfully not all the scientists are evil and Scott's ex Jennifer is there to save the day.  But you do have to wonder about Jennifer. She dated Scott for three years and couldn't tell he was unethical? He doesn't seem like a master gaslighter, and Jennifer seems confident.  Did he start going down hill and that's why she broke up with him. It's a mystery.

So many questions. 

  • How did no one notice two passengers going through a trap door in the aisle into the cargo hold? 
  • How did the scorpion get into a tiny bathroom already occupied by two people?  
  • How did the scorpion manage to get into the cockpit without being seen? Also is locking it in the cockpit really going to contain it? 
  • Why does Jennifer, who's never had a conversation with pilot Jack, think it's appropriate to give him advice on getting over his dead wife in the middle of an emergency?  
  • Why do movies think it's a good idea for people to flirt during life threatening situations? Isn't that a red flag regarding their potential as a partner?  
  • How did the scorpion liquid get cleaned from the interior of the coffin so Jennifer and Jack could hide in it? 
  • Why is it blue outside the windows of the plane? Did they forget to put something in there in post?
  • Why does Jennifer take time to curl her hair and put it in an up do before fighting the scorpion?
  • And most importantly, why does pilot Jack ask Jennifer if he can use her credit card to make a phone call? I know he gave her reasons, but they are so ridiculous I still can't believe the movie went with it.

Ridiculous dialogue:

Hey doc, you're one of these science people, right?

I knew the cloning process would quadruple their size, but not this fast!

Alright, enough jibber jabber.

Say what you want, that girl got moxie.

Philip: Just how big is this big ass son of a bitch in the cockpit?
Pilot: Big
Scott: Mighty big or....?
Pilot: Yeah
Creative idea for protection, but the angle is not
efficient to do anything but stab yourself in the face
Always good to have an empty coffin to hide in
If I’m in a life or death situation, I don’t want
someone flirting with the pilot.
Your pilot is flying blind. I repeat, the pilot is blind
Using defibrillates for weapons. And why there is
so much empty space in that cabin?
It’s great that she had time to curl her hair before
changing clothes and fighting the scorpion

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