Saturday, July 17, 2021

Thirst (2015)

A bunch of city kid delinquents are sent to an outward bound type program where they'll spend several weeks with Bert, an ex fighter, and Claire, who isn't very likable.  Nephew Roth is drafted to help out when the other staff member doesn't show up.   The purpose of the camp is to teach these spoiled troublemakers to work together as a team and stop being such jerks.  However they didn't count on an alien in the desert who wants to kill them.

After stumbling across a crashed truck with a dead body, Bert wants to turn back so they can inform the authorities.  Since they need money, Claire brow beats Bert into waiting until after the camp is over, even though they know the dead man.

Later that night a stampede comes through their camp and we discover Clair is unable to function in emergency situations. This is not a good quality for someone in charge of troubled kids in the desert. Yet as Claire becomes less capable, Roth's character arc increases.  He's on a collision course with the girl who hated him at the beginning of the film. But now that they're being chased by an alien, she's gone from whining that he's a perv, to telling him she feels safer when he's around.

The movie is pretty predictable. Everything follows a path that's been done before.  It's not horrible, just  pretty average. The most amusing part of the movie is when the teens are told to go go GO to the cave a couple miles away where they keep their supplies. They all start running, even though no one has mentioned which direction to go or provided instructions on how to get there.

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