Saturday, December 8, 2018

Gonjiam Haunted Asylum (2018)

A paranormal investigation team that has a YouTube channel called Horror Times decides to investigate Gonjiam Asylum, which is on CNN's list of seven freakiest places in the world.  They have a contest to pick a few other young people to join them on their investigation.  They are planning on broadcasting their exploration live and want to hit 300,000 viewers to make it a very profitable venture.

They sneak onto the grounds of the abandoned asylum and set up a tent as home base.  Ha-joon is in charge so he stays in the tent to make sure the transmission is going okay and to monitor the number of viewers.  The others go in and investigate.

The investigation starts slow but things build as the night goes on.  The climax of the investigation is going to be opening room 402 which has been closed for years. Many people have tried to open it, but none have succeeded.  The movie opens with a couple of teenage boys who taped themselves trying to get in. The footage was found after they disappeared.

There's nothing new about this, but it's not bad. It's a slow burn so don't expect constant scares.

I was worried about the camera work because many found footage films make me nauseous but you need to keep watching because there are subtitles. So what the hell am I going to do if I start feeling sick?  Thankfully once they started exploring, the camerawork straightened out.  This is something that more found footage films should realize. Just because you can shake the camera around like an idiot, doesn't mean you should do it.

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