Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Santa's Summer House (2012)

A van full of tourists heading to a resort drive through a bank of fog - which apparently was too expensive to reproduce digitally or in real life. The fog disorients the driver and they end up at the mansion of an older couple who offers them cookies and a place to stay for the night.  It seems like that would be the start to a horror movie, but it's actually a Christmas movie.

The older couple asks everyone to call them Nana and Pop. In reality they are Santa and Mrs. Clause and this is their summer home.  The characters staying at their home are a sleazy businessman, two bickering sisters and a disconnected couple with a teenage son.

As their guests act nasty or ignore each other, Santa tries to teach everyone a lesson about appreciating what they have and being supportive of those you love.

Perhaps a child would like this film, but it's really difficult to sit through. If you like to watch people play croquet, then you may enjoy about ten minutes of the film. The mansion will be familiar to anyone who's seen one the 1313 films done by David Decoteau.

The most interesting thing about this film is that there are four former b-movie action stars in the cast, including the most well known, Cynthia Rothrock as Ms. Clause.

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