Thursday, December 20, 2018

Mother Krampus (2017)

aka 12 Deaths of Christmas

When Vanessa's husband leaves her, she goes to stay with her father and brings her daughter Amy with her.  A number of children have recently disappeared from town, but Vanessa doesn't seem worried. Neither does Amy, who is perfectly fine being approached by a dirty woman wearing a black cloak and holding out candy in her filthy hand.  Amy confirms her nonfunctioning brain stem status when she sees the same woman holding a cat outside her home and opens the door, never considering this could be a problem.

Years ago a number of children disappeared from town and were found murdered in the woods.  The parents believed the murderer was a local woman. Taking a page from the Freddy Kreuger origin story, they decide to mete out vigilante justice.   Before they strung her up, the woman cursed them all.  Now that children have started to disappear again, people wonder if the curse is true. Guess what? It is.

If you're expecting a Krampus of any kind, you'll be disappointed because this is a witch who eats children.  But hey, that won't sell it to the Christmas horror crowd, so slap a Krampus on it and it will sell itself.

The most distracting thing about Mother Krampus is that with the cloak over her head and dark areas around her eyes, she reminded me of Brain Guy from Mystery Science Theater 3000.

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