Saturday, December 1, 2018

Initiation: Silent Night, Deadly Night 4 (1990)

Kim has a new job working at a newspaper.  When she hears about a woman who may have spontaneously combusted when she fell off a building, Kim decides to do a story on it.  The problem is that Kim is a classified ad writer, and she doesn't seem to understand that just because you have an idea, doesn't mean you get to run with it if you're not hired to do that job.

Kim gets mad at her reporter boyfriend Hank when he is assigned the story she wanted.  But nothing is going to keep our intrepid classified ad writer from doing that story.

While investigating, she wanders into a bookstore near the death scene and buys a book on spontaneous combustion. The bookstore owner Fima gives her a free book, invites her to a picnic, and offers her a bowl of dates.  Kim partakes of this free food because she hasn't eaten lunch, while I'm left wondering why a bookstore would be offering bowls of food to it's patrons.

Since I happened to be watching the movie with a friend who owns a bookstore, I asked her if she would start offering dates to her customers. She looked at me like I was crazy and said "Of course not. They're sticky."  So there you have it. If a bookstore offers you dates, be incredibly suspicious.

The next day, Kim goes to the picnic and ends up sitting on a blanket with Fima and two other women. It's really weird and Kim is way too blasé about this intimate little event.  She falls asleep on their blanket and then Hank shows up unexpectedly because she should be at work.

As the bookstore women get more involved in Kim's life, she seems to get more and more crazy. And the viewer is left wondering what this has to do with Christmas or the Silent Night, Deadly Night franchise. The answer is nothing. This is about witches and because there are a couple scenes with Christmas trees, they've slapped this title on it because that is how to get people to watch it. It worked  on us.

The worst thing about this movie is there is no joy to it.  It's just plain gross and you'll feel icky when it ends.  You'll wish you hadn't watched it because it's not fun at all.

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