Thursday, December 13, 2018

Slice (2018)

Pizza delivery guys are being murdered in a city where ghosts and people live together in an uneasy truce. One of the main suspects is a werewolf on a scooter who used to deliver chinese takeout, and the pizza place in town might be a portal to hell. With a premise such as that you'd think this would be great. But it's not.

This is one of those films where the comedy falls so flat that you find yourself asking your friends, "Okay, that line was supposed to be funny, right? Because it feels like that's how they intended it, but none of us are laughing."  Is it the delivery, the writing, the tone of the film, or all of the above? There are almost no laughs to be had, which is a shame since Paul Sheer is in this film. He's the best part of this, but even he can't save this one.

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