Sunday, September 5, 2021

A Werewolf in England (2020)

Parrish counselor Horace is transporting prisoner Archie to court.  Archie is accused of murder, but claims the thing he killed was an animal which turned into a man after it died.  No one believes him. 

When they stop at an inn to stay the night, things go off the rails since they arrive on the night the owners let werewolves eat the guests as some sort of sacrifice.  So Archie is going to be believed soon enough.

The acting often feels overdone as if they’re playing to the back row.  I wasn’t aware it was supposed to be a horror comedy since there no laughs. The comedy seems to be based towards teenage humor with scenes of pissing in chamber pots or a prostitute having sex with a repulsive old dude while he’s handcuffed to the prisoner to ensure he can’t escape.  To ad insult to injury, they’re British but their accents aren’t even convincing. I thought they were Americans attempting lame olde timey accents from the Victorian era.

The best thing about this movie is the Dark Temple video logo and music before the film. It’s got an 80s VHS feel to it.  Other than that, nothing to recommend this. Also not sure if they were purposely trying to mislead people into thinking this was An American Werewolf in London, but it’s too close for comfort.

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