Sunday, September 12, 2021

Tooth Fairy (2018)

Aka Toof

Carla goes back to the family farm to get a birth certificate for her nephew Corey.  There she runs into Joe, who she used to have a relationship with until he got her sister pregnant.  Joe is Corey’s father. There’s no explanation for why Joe hasn’t seen Corey in five years, has no contact with him, and Carla is his guardian. In fact, Joe doesn’t seem okay with not having a relationship with his son.

When Carla arrives, her mother tries to tell her about a threat to Corey since he’s about to turn ten. Carla is having none of it.  She resents that her mom sent her and her sister away as children.  Carla needs some serious counseling. Everything irritates her and she has no tolerance for others.

Too bad she doesn’t listen to her mom who is trying to warn her about the tooth fairy.  Apparently you can contain the tooth fairy by using sugar. Just dump a bag on the floor, or on her back, and light it on fire.  Although mom and her accomplices thought they’d killed her years ago, she’s currently being held in the barn by just a small latch, which is undone by a homeless guy who wants some sweets.  As is expected, releasing a dangerous supernatural entity is going to result in a number of deaths.

There are many questions.  When the power went out, how did she get online? The wi-fi wouldn’t work on the laptop. Why doesn’t Joe have custody of his son? How is it this vicious evil could be released by simply opening a latch? Wasn’t there a more secure place they could put her? Why not a padlock to keep people from releasing her?  Is there a reason people don’t make any effort to get away when she pulls their teeth?  And most importantly of all, why do Carla and her mother appear to be the same age? I thought they were sisters but then Carla keeps calling her mom.

This looks like it was filmed at the same farm as Bride of the Scarecrow, which also has some of the same actors.

Tooth Fairy is Blair Witching it in the corner

So if this is the daughter….

…how can this be her mother?  

Joe trying to figure out why mother and daughter are the same age.

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