Thursday, September 16, 2021

Red Woods (2021)

 A group of urban explorers heads into the woods to meet up with another group that previously went in. While walking they find a building that was recently burned. One of the team falls through the floor and onto a burned body. Instead of going back and getting the police, they decide to keep going because Cross’s brother Adam was with the first group. They also decide not to tell the others since they’ll freak out and want to leave.  So I guess they’ll deserve whatever happens to them.

The first night they camp in the woods and a guy named Devlin shows up. He brags about ripping off the EPA by applying for a grant to get free money to buy an expensive video camera for urbexing and Cross pulls a gun on him. Cross is into conspiracy theories but thinks it unethical to rip off the EPA.

Devlin also tells a creepy story about an insane kid who used the woods as a playground.  When Devlin disappears, his camera is left behind and they discover that he was in the first group with Cross’s brother Adam, and that he’s been taping them on their trek through the woods.

The group wants to leave but Cross won’t go without his brother. So they trek further into the woods and find some hillbillies and a crappy cabin. The group says somethings not right here and oh my god  they go into the cabin to look for Adam.  The hillbillies are not amused.

Things keep going wrong and Cross’s conspiracy theories make him more and more paranoid.  While I thought this an okay movie, the biggest question I had was how did the firemen get to a burning building in the middle of the woods? The whole point was the group was walking hours into the woods to see this house. But now it seems like they could have just driven up to it? What the heck? 

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