Monday, September 27, 2021

Dead End Demon (2017)

Whenever a movie starts with a bible quote, I know I’m in trouble. The movie quickly introduces three characters and it’s not clear who they are or how they are related in the context of the story. A woman is attacked and shows up at what I thought was the police station - even though it’s a woman in an office and no one was wearing uniforms.  Then they mention someone is off on assignment in Seattle and I think okay, they’re reporters. Nope, they’re detectives and the person on assignment is the daughter of a detective. Totally confusing.

The story revolves around serial killer Cameron Crowe who was picked on in grade school. Fourteen years later, he found the bullies and killed them. Plus apparently he shot up a school and killed some innocent kids. 

Reporter Tina, who he had a crush on, figured out where he lived, broke into his house, and stabbed him with his own machete. What the hell? How is this woman not in jail? No explanation is offered.   Cameron was declared officially dead, even though there was no solid evidence the body was his since they had to “pick it up with a shovel.”  

Now it’s Halloween and the killer has returned. Is it Cameron?   You won’t care.  The movie kind of rips off Halloween even down to the music, but has nothing new to offer and isn’t very interesting.  Although it’s sometimes funny how the music abruptly stops as they transition scenes.

Dialogue that should have had ADR or been reshot:

Don’t you think you’re being a bit haste?

The unconvincing limping scene

There are three people in this shot.

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