Friday, February 18, 2022

Dinosaur Hotel (2021)

Single mom Sienna gets a call that her online application has been accepted for a game show. Sienna applies for a lot of things online so she is confused and asks for more information. All they’ll tell her is the winner gets $100,000.  Sienna should be more discerning.

Sienna brings her kids even though the rules specify no guests. She can’t find a babysitter and the kids have agreed they won’t be an issue. Oh, have they?  Well then I’m sure she doesn’t have to worry about them being eaten by dinosaurs. 

There are five contestants and they’re all pretty low key for being on a game show where they can win a lot of money. They don’t even seem suspicious when the only info provided is they’ll need to complete the challenges and make it through the night.  Even after the disembodied voice uses the words survive and weapons, and the phrase death will stop the others, only one of the group wants to leave. Then the dinosaurs appear and the contestants freak out.  It is amazing how people scream at the top of their lungs when trying to hide or escape, thus luring the beast with their siren song.

Oh dinosaur hotel, with a name like that you should have been amusing at the least. But you’re long and boring and surprisingly void of dinosaurs.  I can’t help but wonder how has no one noticed a T-Rex outside. Surely this is not something you could hide on your property.  They seem to have contestants daily or weekly, so this ongoing ploy should have been discovered.  Also I’m curious how do they pick their victims and why no one notice they have disappeared.  Sienna was not supposed to bring her children. So theoretically she should have showed up alone and left the address of the hotel with the babysitter. Perhaps the local police department are missing after being repeatedly called to the hotel and eaten by dinosaurs? Surely some victims had families who knew where they were going and would have wanted the disappearance investigated. The children in this film are not actors. They are devoid of any emotional tone. It’s like watching a grade school play, which is age appropriate skill level, but not for a movie. I looked on IMDB to see if they had ever been in another movie and they aren’t even listed as part of the cast. So I’m guessing the answer is no.

Ridiculous dialogue:

Maddie: She’s gone. A dinosaur ate her.
Sienna: What do you mean she’s gone? What happened?

This is nothing like what happened to Dad. 

The ultimate death match. -man versus dinosaur.

The dinosaur that looks like it’s hovering while devouring a person
If a dinosaur is outside, don’t go outside
The way she’s holding that gun, it’s not going to help
The disembodied host
She tripped over her own feet
The contestants look super pumped for the game show

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