Thursday, February 3, 2022

Villmark Asylum (2015)

A group is sent to an abandoned asylum to check for hazardous  material and do an inventory before the building is demolished.  It sits in the middle of nowhere and they need to be flown in to the site.  

The asylum closed down in the 1970s so they don’t expect anyone to be there. But they hear music and find a man named Karl who claims he is the caretaker and is surprised to hear the asylum is set for demolition.

As they fan out to cover different quadrants, one person finds a man suspended from a rope at the bottom of a stairwell.  He dies soon after they get him down.  They assume he’s the person whose tent they saw by the water when they flew in, but can’t figure out what happened or why there appears to be a recent incision in his midsection that’s been sewn up.

The group hears voices, sees movement, and catches on video what appears to be a nurse and a small child.  Are they ghosts? Are they people, and if so, why are they there?

This is a Norwegian film by the same guy who did Villmark, aka Dark Woods, which I’ve heard is good.  This one has a good location and the characters are decent. There is a creepy feeling but not a lot of scares, although one death is a nightmare.  

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