Sunday, February 20, 2022

Murdercycle (1999)

A guy on a dirt bike gets lost outside a secret military installation and sees a small meteorite which turns him into a part human part alien killing machine on a motorcycle.  It transforms not only the kid but his dirt bike. What alien magic is this?!

When the guy manning the installation disappears, the Feds decide to go in and check on their underground laboratory. Marine Kirby, who is drinking and considering suicide due to his suspension, is called on to lead the secret mission. He’ll be going with forensic scientist Dr. Adams, Mr. Wood from the CIA, mind reader Dr. Lee and two marines.

Dr. Lee is able to pick up memories and impressions from touching people or things. People are unnerved by her reading their thoughts and Wood has been trained in mental jujitsu to avoid her reading him. Unfortunately this involves him being super creepy and imaging raping her so as to repel her from his mind.  He also equates having someone read his thoughts to rape,which while a violation, would be more akin to someone revealing private correspondence rather than being sexually assaulted.

The characters are all cliches.  The fed keeps everyone in the dark as to the real mission.  The marine threatens to not follow the rules unless he’s told what is really going on.  There is a civilian who believes in aliens and surprises everyone by knowing how to get past the security system to enter the site. The forensic doctor turns green at the sight of a body, which clues us in that he may not be what he appears to be.  The female civilian ends up in situations where her safety is in jeopardy and the lower level marines are the equivalent of the red shirts on Star Trek. 

You’d think something called Murdercycle which involves aliens would be awesome, but instead it’s boring. The background music is really distracting. It’s very noticeable which is the last thing background music should be.   The oddest scene in this movie is when an injured marine is shot in the head as if he’s a horse.  What the heck? Maybe they should have tried to save him.  

Ridiculous dialogue:

I think the Murdercycle’s been through here.

Wood: You don’t like the idea of being raped. 
Lee: I supposed I don’t.
Wood: Well that’s funny, what do you call what you do?

What name will they give people who rape other peoples minds?

If it’s so dangerous, why are we taking civilians in?
Sorry, that’s a restricted need to know basis.

How many men were you willing to fee to the sausage grinder to protect your secrets?

The chain link fence the aliens melted. And what is up
with those bursts of light having the black trails behind them?
If only he hadn’t gotten lost and hadn’t seen the meteorite 
The alien sphere and the psychic
The ridiculous wisps of hair on either side of her face

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