Friday, October 7, 2022

Attic Void (2022)

Alan and Ray head to Norway to film a travel show. They’ve worked together for a long time, with Ray in front of the camera and Alan behind as a producer.  When their cameraman bails at the last minute, they manage to get Sean to shoot the footage.

The boat trip is long, but the Captain is entertaining. There are twenty other passengers. Some are tourists, while others are doing research. Everyone is on the deck, eating, drinking and socializing, except Alan and Ray who have gone inside because Alan felt sick.

After a brief power outage, Ray and Alan head back up on deck to find no one there. Belongings are scattered on the table, but there is no sign of the people. As they frantically search the boat, they come across Sean but no one else.

Their theories as to what might have happened make no sense. But then again the situation doesn’t make sense. How do people on a boat just disappear?  They wonder if the the Captain took everyone to the nearby town, and decide to take the raft to check it out. If the passengers aren’t there, maybe they can get help.  

The viewer already knows Sean was on deck when the people disappeared. So the question is will we ever find out what Sean saw?  Since Sean neglected to tell them he was on deck, is he part of this?  And is there going to be a pay off?  At the end, I was hoping they’d get eaten by bears, and I felt meh about the movie.  It doesn’t quite wrap things up. And while some movies are ok to be left open ended, this one didn’t sit well.

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