Sunday, October 2, 2022

Reed’s Point (2022)

Aka Reed’s Point: Bad Blood Never Dies

Kelsey, her boyfriend Alex, and cousin Sarah hitch a ride in her rich daddy’s RV. The next thing you know the RV crashes and they’re flying around the cabin like something out of 1960s Star Trek.  Unfortunately for them, they’ve crashed in the woods where the Jersey Devil is rumored to exist.  Sarah and Alex are the only ones to be rescued. Kelsey’s body is never found and Sarah is convinced she saw a creature drag her off.

Cut to Sarah and Alex who are now journalism majors and writing for the college paper. They decide to do a story about the Jersey Devil and head to a town near the crash site. They find a guide to take them into the woods. And by guide I mean someone they don’t know whose name was mentioned by a waitress.  

While trekking toward the crash site, Alex falls down a hill and gets his leg wedged in a tree. Yeah it’s as stupid as it sounds.  The guide heads goes off to get some help, saying he’ll be back in a few hours. Sarah decides to wrap a tourniquet around Alex’s leg.  Sarah should have taken a first aid class since it’s not the best idea to cut off circulation to a major appendage unless he’s going to bleed out - which he isn’t.

When the sun starts to set and the guide is not back, Sarah and her non-functioning brain stem decide to wander off to find help.  It’s dark, she isn’t sure where she is, and she’s leaving her friend alone in the woods where she believes the Jersey Devil is active. Nothing good can come from this.

Ridiculous dialogue:

You want to go into the woods with a complete stranger?

I suggest that if and when we find your friend, you two get out of here, you leave this place behind. You never come back.
I don’t know if I can do that.

This is all my fault.
Woah woah woah, Sarah.  This is not your fault.

Heading towards disaster
Holy crap,is his bicep abnormally large, or is it the angle?
Leg stuck in a tree? He’s the Gilligan of this story.
Her outfit and shoes show she’s never hiked before.
He seems totally trustworthy.

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