Friday, October 14, 2022

Carver (2105)

Shawn is a bully who decides he wants the grand prize in the pumpkin contest.  He sees his favorite target Silas and destroys his pumpkin.  Too bad Shawn doesn’t realize there are other pumpkins and Silas wins using his friend Penny’s pumpkin. 

In an effort to steal the Xbox prize, Shawn and his friends chase Silas and Penny into the woods, where Silas falls into a hole.  When Penny tries to help him out, Shawn pushes her in.

Josh says they need to call someone, but Shawn pressures them to keep their mouths shut or they’ll end up in juvenile detention. Sadly the other kids don’t realize only Shawn is in danger of this. To hammer the point home that Shawn is the worst, days later at the search for the kids, he asks Silas’s mother for missing flyers to hand out. 

Eight years later, Shawn is the star quarterback, and the others are on the team or cheerleaders. So much for karma.  Josh, the only kid with a conscience, isn’t their friend anymore and hasn’t been the same since they left Silas and Penny to die. 

At Halloween, someone leaves carved pumpkins on everyone’s porch. They suspect Josh since he’s different now and he warned Shawn’s new girlfriend to be careful of him. The day of the dance, people start disappearing. Someone is killing everyone who left the kids to die.  

So many questions. Why didn’t Shawn steal the Xbox from the wagon after Silas ran off, rather than chasing him into the woods?  Why was there a rectangular hole in the ground? Why did they order a pizza, but never take a bite of it? How long did Silas’s mom wait to kill herself? She’s passing out flyers and the next scene she’s got a pistol. Was it two weeks? Three months? A year?  There’s no time frame. And why do we have a really long scene of Dustin dancing?

Is this movie good? No, I watched it because the acting in the trailer was so stilted. It’s what you would see in a high school play or community theater. But probably that’s because the person who directed it and co-wrote it was thirteen years old.  So in that sense, it’s impressive because a thirteen year old raised $30,000 to make a movie on kickstarter.   

Ridiculous dialogue:

I found this in the woods covered in blood. What’s wrong>

What the hell guys? You left me with the check.
Get over it, you jag.

It’s always awkward when an unknown director puts their name
above the title like Hitchcock.
Black wall paper 
The one kid haunted by leaving Silas and Penny to die
The pizza scene where no one eats the pizza.
The bullies vs. the good kids
The overly long dance scene
Smarmy Shawn
My favorite scene -  the blood spray from the head.

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