Thursday, October 6, 2022

Lake Artifact (2018)

A group of friends heading to a cabin have car trouble and meet a man carrying a case of beer.  He helps them with the car, offers them beer, and is invited to join them at the cabin.  Only one man is wary of inviting a stranger to stay with them,

The next day one girl finds a 8x0 glossy of the group standing by the lake.  But they didn’t go the lake. So who took the photo and when was it taken? Someone says it must be a prank, while not providing any reasoning on why or how it could be.

One of the guys leaves to get more food and beer, but doesn’t return. That night they hear noises outside and discover an old man, who they conk on the head and lock in the shed. They figure they can call the police the next day.  No one realizes there is an issue with imprisoning someone over night.

Things get every weirder the next day. More photos are printed. The missing guy returns, but his girlfriend tries to stab him. No one knows what the hell is going on, and no matter how far they walk or drive, they seem to be get nowhere.

Interspersed with this story is footage from someone making a documentary. There are interviews with a religious group The Hand of God, who claim the legend of the Hand of One - where there is a fight to the death between dozens of men based on urging of the founder of the church - was meant to discredit their religion.  At the end, I just felt meh about it.

Dialogue of people who may soon be arrested for imprisonment:

Tie him up. Put him in the garage. Call the cops in the morning.
Should be fine, I mean, he’s an old man.

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