Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Door in the Woods (2019)

Evelyn, Redd and their son Kane move to a new town.  Kane goes to a  special school because his brain works differently. What is so special about the school, and what is wrong with his brain, you ask?  You’ll never know.

Although Kane is bullied and hates it there, Redd and Evelyn are too invested in him going to this school.  They can’t afford the tuition so in exchange Redd’s construction business is pouring concrete.  It’s unclear how they can afford the materials for the job or payment for the crew when no cash is coming in. But he’s hoping this will lead to more work from the other parents.

After Kane is suspended for fighting his bullies, the family goes to a state park for a hike and finds an upright door covered in chains in the middle of a clearing. Evelyn wants it, but Redd thinks it’s creepy. Evelyn counters she’ll be able to start her new online craft store if the closet door isn’t missing. Red overlooks the fact that these two things aren’t related.

They steal the door, refurnish it, and put it in the hallway. I was hoping the next day we’d get a newspaper headline saying an art installation had been stolen from the state park. Soon after strange things start to happen in the house and Kane is blamed.  But when Evelyn invites her deaf psychic over to bless the house, he realizes there is something wrong. She’s invited evil into the home and must get rid of the door.

Evelyn asks the librarian about hauntings and supernatural happenings in town and the librarian mentions the vanishing children.  As a woman with a child, Evelyn is surprisingly unconcerned. But she reads up about the disappearances and starts searching for more info on the door.

It is no surprise to anyone who’s seen a horror movie when Kane disappears. What is surprising is that the psychic can actually connect with the other side.  When the entity refuses to do what they ask, Evelyn thinks it gives her leverage to say she’ll refuse to leave his realm. Sigh. Oh Evelyn, just because you can manipulate your husband into getting your way doesn’t mean you can do it to a demon.

The biggest questions you’ll have are: why is Evelyn so calm when discovering the town is known for missing children?  Why did the parents offer to trade both their lives for Kane? Did they not realize that would make him an orphan?  Why did Kane have to go to this school?  What was special about it? What is wrong with Kane’s brain? And most importantly, why are so many closets in this town non-standard size and a perfect fit for the creepy door?

Ridiculous dialogue:

I set up a simple web site. It connects to all the crafty sites.

Redd - It’s just creepy. What, someone just left a door out here?
Evelyn- No, people dump treasures all the time

If he won’t bargain, then we won’t leave.

Nothing creepy about this. It’d be a fine addition to any home.
Surprisingly no one is concerned about getting locked in.
So demons have card table and folding chairs?

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