Thursday, October 21, 2021

5 am (2016)

Five friends meet up to tell tales of supernatural occurrences and summon a spirit who cursed them. Each has a story about some creepy or supernatural thing that happened.  While there are some flashbacks, most of the stories are told by the characters speaking softly while we see a close up of their face. So it’s not the most exciting or scary film. 

One of the guys says he needs their help and they can’t ask any questions.  This should in itself prompt a question as to why they can’t know what is going on.  But they proceed to talk and later go into a room to play a game which involves using scrabble tiles and a wine glass to contact the dead.

There is also a parallel story with someone’s aunt in the attic and a maid that doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this crap.  The story takes place in Buenos Aires while a storm is coming, which I thought would play into it, but didn’t.

The eyeliner in this movie is excessive.
Expect a lot of this while they relay their scary story.

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