Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Dawn of the Beast (2021)

A masters level cryptozoology class goes on an overnight field trip into the woods. One girl brings her controlling boyfriend, which is weird because most colleges don’t let people who aren’t enrolled come on class trips. Also some people said they’re talking the class because it’s supposed to be an easy A.  Are there really masters classes that are easy?

The group follows the professor into the woods, but randomly decide to split off. One girl wanders on her own in the woods and meets a creep. A few others end up in a field where they find a corpse. Instead of notifying anyone, they keep it quiet so as not to spoil the weekend plans.  Also one of the girls steals a necklace from the corpse. Who does that?

Their cabin is within an area where people are known to disappear and they’ve been warned that it’s not safe to be out there.  They are unconcerned.  When a creature show up later that night, people are confused. These guys are taking a masters class in cryptozoology but seem to have no knowledge about the subject. The ending is very unsatisfying.

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