Thursday, October 14, 2021

Six Rivers Cabin (2013)

Aka A Monster Among Men; aka Beast: A Monster Among Men

Five friends go to a cabin for the weekend. Although to be fair, Bill is the only one who considers all of them friends.  Eli is ignoring everyone except Bill, and the other three - Mike, Sean and Chris - ask Bill why he brought Eli since they don’t like him.

Mike is the type of guy you don’t hang out with once you get out of high school because he’s so unlikeable.  He’s a bully and almost every interaction he has is aggressively insulting or antagonizing another member of the group. It’s a mystery as to why these guys are still hanging out with him, other than Sean who Mike seems to have control over to some extent.

When Eli walks off after being harassed by Mike again, Bill heads off after him. Awhile later, the three left around the campfire hear a woman scream. This starts the search for who screamed, as well as Bill and  Eli.  Unfortunately Mike continues to bully people, including those in another campsite in the woods.  And when you think you can’t hate Mike any more than you already do, you find out he’s even worse than you thought and you hate him even more.

The movie clocks in at a little more than an hour and has a ton of padding. The ending doesn’t make a lot of sense.  Why does Mike stop the car and get out? He’s supposed to be meeting them at the cabin. What smelled so bad when he got out of the car? He walked into the woods and it didn’t seem like the bodies were close to the road.  How did he happen to find the exact spot where all the bodies were piled?  Also was that Bigfoot?

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