Friday, October 15, 2021

Ouija 3: The Charlie Charlie Challenge (2016)

Aka Charlie Charlie 

While trying to find a way to get business for Hangman’s House of Horrors, Gene sees a news broadcast about college girls who died doing the Charlie Charlie challenge. He comes up with the bright idea of allowing a group of people in the house after dark. He’ll tell them they’re alone, give them freedom to roam the house, and then his actors will scare them. Thus giving the haunt publicity and increasing their revenue, which is apparently zero at this time.

Five friends show up after winning tickets. Gene charges them $20 each claiming they won time in the house, not the cost of entry. That should be their first clue that something is off, but they pay and follow Gene into the house.

The group are taken to a room with school desks and told to do the Charlie Charlie challenge which supposedly summons a Mexican demon. The challenge is done with two pencils, one on top of the other, and a sheet of paper with yes and no written in four squares. You ask Charlie to play and then he answers questions. Oh and he also kills you.

No one notices the blue flash of light that comes out of the pencils on the first question.  When they ask if Charlie will hurt them if they continue to play, he says yes.  The girl with the least cranial functioning asks Charlie to prove the challenge is real and hurt them.  Why? Why would you ever do that? How about ask Charlie to shut a door, or knock a picture off the wall? The last thing you want to do is ask for physical pain from a demon.

When I saw the opening scene with college students, I wondered if I needed to watch the first two movies to understand what was going on. Then the title card came up and it was actually called Charlie Charlie. So apparently it’s not a squeal but an opportunity to get people to watch it by implying it is part of the ouija franchise.

There are a few pointless scenes with a couple in a car outside the haunt. There’s no reason for these people to exist other than to pad the film, and make the movie worse. It’s not like these scenes are interesting or clever or add anything to the film.  There’s also a scene with a sheriff sleeping in his car who is asked if he responded to a possible homicide. He says yes and goes back to sleep.

Another rough one to get through. The characters aren’t particularly likeable, other than Charlie and Skeeter.  And naming a characters Charlie when the challenge is called Charlie, well not sure why that was a good idea.

Self aware dialogue

Guys this is exactly how bad horror movies start.  Irrational decisions to play a game we all know could end up badly but we do it anyway.

The manager of the haunt has a pretty cool mask
This isn’t a great start to a night in the haunt.
This isn’t going to get you more business
Cool tunnel in the haunted attraction
The amazing Charlie challenge

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