Saturday, October 23, 2021

Teenage Wasteland (2018)

Aka Reel Killz

A group of psycho twenty somethings spend their time murdering people and shooting video of it.  This story meets up with a family drama about two sisters who don’t get along with their mother but have decided to spend the weekend together.  

This family reunion is going to be great. Mom is insufferable, likes to drink and passive aggressively insult her daughters.  The younger sister just got married, while older sister Jennifer hasn’t worked in a month and is pregnant. No information will be provided on either of those situations.  After Mom harasses Jennifer, the younger sister consoles her by telling her she’s unique and different. However there is never any indication that this seemingly mundane woman is anything other than ordinary. 

When a scared woman named Claire knocks on the door and wants to use the phone, Jennifer invites her in. After finding out she’s escaped from someone, Jennifer runs off to find her sister but the house is empty when they come back. Jennifer mentions the girls name, which is weird since I never heard the girl mention it. I’m not sure if I zoned out or it’s an error in continuity.

Weird things keep happening but no one is concerned. A guy shows up looking for the Claire but disappears.  The younger sisters husband is nowhere to be found and his phone goes directly to voicemail. There are knocks on the door and they find a door to door vendor sold them what appear to be snuff films.  Jennifer goes for a walk even though they are creeped out. Then while in town  - how far did she walk? - she passes by a group of youngsters in a van and they ask her name. That’s not normal.

By the time everything comes to a head, you realize you don’t care what happens.  But you do have questions. Why isn’t Jennifer suspicious when she discovers Claire only pretended to make a call on her phone? Why does everyone keep going out the front door to get to the bunkhouse, making it seem like it’s a separate building, but later they head toward the back of the house to get there? If you hear a weird noise outside on a day in which creepy people have been in your yard, why would you ever open the window and stick your head out? Why does no one question how Claire has Jennifers sisters cell number? If the killers in the bunkhouse can hear the cop siren, then why doesn’t anyone in the house?  Also did anyone realize that Jennifer sister runs like a baby giraffe? Because it’s very distracting.  

If only he’d realized he wasn’t tied to the tracks
A doll is better than a crumpled blanket,
but it still looks like a doll

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