Friday, June 25, 2021

Black Pumpkin (2018)

Elliot and Porkchop are doing a documentary for school on Diablo’s Den and somehow awaken the spirit of Bloody Bobby who shows up  to kill everyone he can get his hands on. End of story.  There's not much to this one.  It seems to be aimed at junior high school kids, but then again there are some make out scenes that seem to old for that audience. 

The film has a fair amount of padding and I always feel bad when a characters name refers to their size. It can't feel good to be an overweight actor and have to answer to Porkchop. Or have banter about your weight be part of the characters friendship. As Porkchop is wolfing down candy, Elliot says, "I can actually see you getting fatter." 

At one point some high school students in a van chase Porkchop from Devils Den. Even though Porkchop is on a bike, he doesn't pedal, just pushes with his feet. Does he not know how to ride a bike? Why would a kid being chased high schoolers not be pedaling like a maniac? 

The kids catch up with Porkchop at Elliots house, and older sister Lori comes out to yell at and threaten the punks. She’s not wearing any pants.  Why are they scared of her? They could break her stick legs in half. I don't know why high school thugs would be afraid of a girl. There was nothing about her that seemed tough.

The local news shows photos of murder victims dead at the scene of the crime  In a later report, they say they aren't going to identify some dead teens until their relatives are notified. Yet they show their van which has a very distinctive logo on the side. So everyone already knows who it is. 

When Lori and her boyfriend find out their friends are dead, their reaction is as if someone told them they'd run out of their favorite type of pizza. They look sort of disappointed, but don't show any emotion. 

Sam from The Barn needs to give Lori some lessons on the rules of Halloween. Lori gives all her candy out, but leaves her light on. She can't figure out why people keep knocking on her door. It's supposed to be a creepy scene because you know Bloody Bobby is out there and she's living in his old house. You’re supposed to fear that Bobby is knocking at the door, but all I could think was kids are going to keep knocking because she left the light on.  How does she not know to shut the damn light off? She's a teenager. She's been trick or treating. You only go to houses with the lights on.  Come on!

Also the frozen pizza Elliot throws into the oven is not frozen. It bends when he picks it up. I’ve never seen a frozen pizza bend before. Either they shot that scene a number of times, or their freezer doesn’t work. 

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