Sunday, June 6, 2021

Exit Speed (2008)

On Christmas Eve, ten people board a bus for a six hour ride across Texas. Unfortunately the trip goes very wrong when a band of nomad bikers messes with the bus and one biker couple lagging behind the others is accidentally hit. Oh damn, never mess with bikers.

When the driver is killed, the rest of the passengers manage to get the bus going. But one makes the ridiculous decision to turn down a side road rather than continue on the main route the bus would normally take.  They also overlook that the bus could be used as a weapon against the bikers. Yes, they’re shootings at the tires, but they’re riding beside you. They are vulnerable to a hit from the bus. And while most people don’t want to kill anyone, if murderous bikers are trying to kill you, do what you must to survive.

The road turns into dirt fifty feet after the turn and they end up in an abandoned junk yard. Now this group of strangers needs to work together to survive the night and hopefully find a way to escape the bikers. But it won’t be easy because we’ve got an expert with a crossbow that is opposed to violence, a stereotype misogynistic high school coach spouting his toxic jock mentality,  a female in the military who’s gone awol, and a mom who knows how to run but is very awkward about it. 

The coach hangs onto their only weapon because he’s a man. This is unfortunate since he can’t hit the side of a barn and one of the woman is in the military. And you haven’t lived till you’ve seen Marty McFly’s mom kill a biker by putting a plastic bag over their head while repeatedly screaming, “I’m a Mom. I can’t die!”

Ridiculous dialogue 

“I coach high school football. I know first aid and cpr.”  Ten minutes later another incident occurs and a passenger asks, “Does anyone know cpr?”  The coach says nothing.

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