Sunday, February 5, 2023

Paranormal Asylum (2013)

Paranomal Asylum takes place over five days.  Mark heads to New York to see his old friend Andy because they’re making a documentary about Typhoid Mary.  Andy’s girlfriend Michelle is upset he’s spent money on the film - until she pressures him into letting her join them. Mark is not happy about this since she has no experience in film making, but Andy says she’s involved or he’ll be in trouble. 

The next day they go to the abandoned asylum where Mary was locked up. The asylum is boarded up but surprisingly is still clean and has electricity. My confusion reigned as they set up the cameras and then cut to a clean room, desk and monitors without context. Later we learn their command center is at Andy’s, which means no one checked to make sure the cameras are working correctly or are focused where they want them to be. 

Day three Mark and Andy do interviews with people involved with the asylum or their family members.  Michelle’s mother used to do seances and Michelle decides she’ll do one alone in the middle of the night. It’s a bad choice since she’s possessed by Mary and heads to the asylum. When Andy realizes she is missing, his priority seems to be the documentary, rather than her safety, since his first concern is filming their search for her.

They go inside after finding her car at the asylum. But when they discover her in a hallway, she tips over to float horizontally a few inches above the floor before speeding off out of reach. When they catch up to get her, Mark wants to bring her to a doctor. But Andy says they can’t because they don’t have a permit to shoot and the film will be shut down. Mark thinks Michelle is more important than the project, but her fiancé does not agree.

On day four, Michelle hasn’t woken up since they rescued her, but Andy says they should let her sleep. They leave her lying in bed while they go out to the island and find old bottles of Thoradine. Mark says he saw Mary’s ghost and Andy scoffs. No one thinks to look at what they’ve shot to see if anything is there.

Finally Michelle gets up on day five but she’s wearing a wig which is it turns out is supposed to be her hair. She’s cooking badly and trying to seducing Mark. Andy is furious at Mark, but is eventually convinced they need to call an exorcism specialist.  Good lord, I don’t care about these people.

If they don’t have permission to shoot in the asylum, then why are they turning on the lights, alerting people to their presence? When Mark says he saw Mary, why does Andy scoff, instead of looking at the footage they shot? Why does Andy scoff every time Mark sees something paranormal?  How would glass bottles from the 1920s just be sitting on the ground without anyone else ever seeing them?

Ridiculous dialogue

Oh I get it. You’re wondering why a nice girl like Michelle could date a loser like me.

Whatever happens, if Michelle’s been possessed, do not tell her.

Cool ruins which are not an asylum
This place is pretty clean and has more electricity than
I’d expect for an abandoned building
He didn’t sense trouble when he saw the clown white?
Our two documentarians
No one notices the black wig
Mark still filming while Andy checks on Michelle
How come when people are looking for ghosts they
always run away when they find them
There’s so much scenery chewing going on here
The command center miles away from the cameras
The clean bottles from the 1920s found outside on the ground
Yes that’s how everyone eats.

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