Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Murder So Sweet (1993)

aka Poisoned by Love: The Kern County Murders

Ladies man Steve can't be faithful to anyone. That's why he's on wife number four and Edie, who was wife number three, is still ticked off at how she was treated. Edie tries to warn Steve's current wife that he's not to be trusted, but it falls on deaf ears.

Steve has dreams of being more successful in the racing circuit and starts being friendly with race winner Glen Emory, who has a pretty young daughter, a huge house, and a successful business.  Soon wife number four is dead of a mystery illness, and Steve is engaged to Glen's daughter.

Seems like Steve is the most unlucky fellow around because those closest to him seem to die unexpectedly from mystery ailments that come out of nowhere. But Edie is on to him, which causes strain on her new marriage.  But she doesn't want anyone else to die so she calls the police who aren't that fond of Steve to begin with.  Wow, was this a Lifetime Channel movie?

This was based on a true story.  Although this is on a horror movie set, it's a tv movie drama and there's no horror at all.  There are feelings of unease since you don't know if he's going to kill more people who don't deserve it.  But there's no blood, and the poisoning scenes involve Steve looking at someone who is contentedly eating ice cream.

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