Thursday, March 7, 2013

Frozen (2010)

Dan and best friend Joe decide to go snowboarding. But much to Joe's chagrin, Dan's girlfriend Parker tags along and she's not much of a snowboarder.  But Parker comes in handy when flirting with the lift operator and bribes him to get cheap passes.

As the mountain is getting ready to shut down the lift, they convince the lift operator to let them go up in the lift so they can do one last run down the mountain.

On their way up, the operator is called away and tells his replacement there are still people on the mountain/lift.  But a misunderstanding occurs, and the lift is shut off leaving the three friends stranded above the ground.

At first they assume it's a temporary problem and expect it will start right up.  But then the lights go off and they realize that everything is shutting down.  Even worse, the resort isn't going to be open again until the next weekend.

As a storm moves in and the temperature drops, the group must decide what to do.  Do they wait on the lift and hope for help?  Do they jump several stories to the ground?  Do they try to climb along the cable to the tower holding the cables in place?  The cables are like razor wire, they aren't dressed for the freezing temperatures, and there are wolves in the woods.

While this was technically good. But the kids ticked me off by conning the lift operator and laughing at him for falling for their scam.  They weren't the most sympathetic characters. It doesn't mean they deserve to die, but they do deserve a beating.  If I snowboarded, I would probably be kind of freaked out by this movie.

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